Astrology for Beginners: Demystifying the Zodiac Signs and Planetary Influences

Understanding the zodiac signs

Katherine Myrestad


Foto de Josh Rangel en Unsplash

Greetings, cosmic voyager!

I see the stars have aligned to bring you here. Are you a Leo seeking courage? Or a secretive Scorpio yearning for mystery? Perhaps you’re a Virgo, double-checking everything because, well, that’s what you do. Fear not! No matter your sign, this engaging exploration into the realms of astrology has got you covered.

And, hey! Even if you’re an avowed skeptic, buckle up. You might find yourself drawn into the gravitational pull of this celestial ballet. Astrology is not just a head-spinning mix of stars and signs, it’s a journey of self-discovery, helping us peek beyond the terrestrial mundane.

Understanding the Zodiac Signs

So, you’ve heard of the zodiac, right? Not just the nifty Da Vinci painting or that somewhat concerning movie with Jake Gyllenhaal — no, we’re talking about the original celestial deal. The zodiac is a cosmic Star Trek, and our ship navigates through twelve unique sectors, each represented by a distinct sign.

The adventure begins with Aries, the vivacious and headstrong Ram, ending with the artistic, intuitive Fish, Pisces. Each of the twelve signs…



Katherine Myrestad

Founder of Soul Magazine, Founder & Chairman of Young Minds, a non profit organisation based in Sweden Social Pedagogue and Writer